Tara coordinates one of our biggest programmes, Fast Track Academy. Fast Track Academy offers additional academic supports such as quiet spaces to study, extra classes and mentoring. You can usually find Tara in the atrium, eagerly waiting to welcome the students and have a chat with them or running through the corridors trying to organise classes.
"I am a Monaghan/Meath girl, living in the big smoke for the first time!’ For the record, ‘the big smoke’ is what Monaghan girls call Dublin! "I love gaelic football and am looking forward to the day Meath beat Dublin in the Leinster final." Tara really wanted this mentioned as it something she feels passionately about! We won't hold it against her.

"Before moving to Dublin, I completed my degree in IT Sligo, where I studied Public Health and Health promotion. I enjoyed my time so much in college that I decided to stay for another two years, this time aiding the students of IT Sligo, as I took up the role of Education and Welfare Officer in the Students’ Union."
"I came to Citywise because I wanted to work with a group of people that empowers and encourages young people to reach their goals and potential. Citywise sticks out as it provides young people with that sense of community and family support, embodied not only in the staff that work here but also in the young people who pass through Citywise’s doors. The young people all encourage and support each other, and this is truly remarkable to see!"
"Everyone that enters Citywise becomes a part of the Citywise family from the staff to the volunteers, and I am truly delighted to be a member of this family. Being away from home and, more importantly, from my family during this lockdown has been made much easier thanks to everyone in Citywise."
"I’ve a lot of experience in witnessing first-hand the struggles faced by young people but what encourages me to get involved and help them out is seeing the potential they have. I love how Citywise is all about providing students with that additional helping hand to help them on their way, as well as letting young people know that you can do whatever you want in life, once you set your mind on it! I think it’s really important to remind students that there are so many options in life and that there is never only one way to get to where you want to be in life!"
"Since starting in Citywise, I have gotten involved in so many different things! From how to study workshops to community mentoring, Tik Toks, to CAO drop in centres!" Tara would like to take this opportunity to remind all 6th year students and parents that the CAO drop-in centre is still running every Tuesday, 4pm to 6pm, if anyone has any questions or queries.
"Every day is different in Citywise and that is what I truly enjoy! The young people are definitely what makes me come back day in, day out. The fact I am employed here also has a part to play in the matter! I enjoy the chats and the fun with young people, but I have also learned so much so far. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to grow every day in this role as Fast Track Academy Officer!"

"It is hard to pick one favourite thing about Citywise, as there are just too many things to choose from. From the friendly and helpful receptionists, entertaining and creative ECS Volunteers, dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers, the hard working and kind-hearted co-workers and last but not least, the inspiring and committed students."
If you are interested in signing up for our Fast Track Academy just follow the link and complete the application: https://www.citywise.ie/copy-of-memberapplicationform
Lovely to see you flourishing in your new role Tara - IT Sligo Students Union misses your expertise and energy I'm sure. Great to see IT Sligo BSc. Health Science & Physiology Students securing jobs in areas related to the promotion of health and equality through education - well done you! Keep up the good work.
Well done Tara