In the midst of their crazy lives, Mr & Miss Citywise 2020 took time out of they busy schedule to tell us all about what lockdown was like as a leader!
Mr.Citywise 2020 - Cian Brennan:
'My name is Cian Brennan. I am 18 years old. I have been involved in Citywise since I was eight years old in a variety of different programmes. The latest of these being Fast Track Academy which helped me to achieve a place on the Aviation Technology in TUD. Over the last ten years I have made many great memories that I will never forget.
I will especially remember this year as the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world and put Ireland into lockdown. This meant that you could not leave your house and were stuck with the same routine every day. The Citywise team adapted to this new way of life and did not stop doing what they do best, serving the community of West Tallaght.
Leadership training continued to take place every Monday at 7:00pm, only over Zoom instead of in the centre. I guess it was a break away from the day you were having, and a chance to see other faces. It was definitely something to look forward to!
Leadership training consisted of not only cracking jokes and playing games but also focusing on the qualities of a good leader. These leadership skill will not only serve us in the work we do in Citywise but also in later life.
This is definitely one summer we will not forget about for years to come.'

Miss Citywise 2020 - Katelyn O'Neill:
'My name is Katelyn O'Neill and I will be commencing my first year in Accounting and Finance this week in TUD Tallaght campus.
This year has been different to say the least! COVID-19 has changed the way we live forever. We now must become accustomed to wearing a mask and keeping our distance even though we face all of these new challenges. Citywise still found a way to continue to provide their amazing service in the community.
I joined Citywise three years ago and I have grown so much as a person, while along the way, making some lifelong friends. This summer Citywise ran their summer cams but with a COVID twist. I helped over the six weeks, doing so through my role as group leader while also delivering activities to the members of Citywise.
Not one child left the camp without a smile on their face. It was amazing! We maintained our two metre distance while ensuring the members enjoyed lots of fun activities. The members took it in turns to be 'COVID police' ensuring the group followed the new guidelines.

We did so many different activities from just dance to football golf. The camps gave all the children time to come away from being stuck indoors and worrying about COVID, to being in a safe space where they could all have fun with friends!
It was definitely the most memorable summer I have lived through so far!'
