This week’s segment sees one of our Education Officers, Liam, fill us in on his experience as a young member of our Summer Camps. Be sure to keep reading to take a trip down memory lane and revisit Liam’s favourite memory!
“Thinking back to my summers as a child, the main reason that I kept returning to Citywise each week, besides all the fun I had, was my Mam’s perseverance. I was a stubborn kid to say the least. She could see that I was having so much fun there, even though I wouldn’t accept it.”
“The thing I enjoyed the most about the Citywise Summer Camps was the variety that was evident within all the different activities each week. The leaders at the time made the experience that little bit better too.”
“One of my favourite things about Summer at Citywise is the many different trips and opportunities that arose from the camps. My favourite trip would have to be when we got the opportunity to go to Google. We got to go around the Google headquarters and learn about how they work. I was amazed to find out about all of the rules that they have. I’ll never forget being told that as a Google employee, you are not allowed to be more than 50 meters away from food; sign me up! We even got cool little android USB drives that I still have to this day. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one having a really good time there because I remember looking around and seeing Chris, our leader on the trip, spending the entire day with a smile on his face. I remember thinking that I wanted to be like Chris when I’m older.”
“Just coming to Citywise to try something I’d never tried before was what excited me and made me want to come back day after day, year after year. The people I got the brilliant opportunity to meet in those summer camps all them years ago, are some of my closest friends today! I’m very thankful I got the chance to enjoy those Summer Camps as it is clear I wouldn’t have nearly half of the interests I have today without them!”
To make memories that will last a lifetime, head over to to book a place on our Summer Camps 2021 for your child. Places are limited due to Covid and filling up fast, so don't miss out.