‘Accepting responsibility, acting responsibly!’
Introducing our latest project, Citywise Youth in Action! This project will allow us here at Citywise Education to work alongside St.Aidan’s Community School and Killinarden Community School to improve the community in a variety of different ways. Using the Sustainable Development Goals that have been set out by the UN, our members will research and develop projects to improve the lives of those both living and growing up in Tallaght!

Tallaght is a great place to live in, so why here and why now in Citywise? Citywise’s programmes encourage young people to take responsibility for themselves and their community, while supporting them to reach their full potential! We here in Citywise take pride in our community and through that ensure our members take pride also. Citywise was set up to make a difference, which is why now is a perfect time to begin this project.

Citywise Youth in Action seeks to empower young people, while the project is funded by the Toy Show Appeal and the Community Foundation for Ireland. To do this, the project will work closely with these young people to make South Dublin an even better place to live in. This will be done, in the first term, through a series of workshops which will not only increase the confidence of those involved, but also give them the skills, language and tools to identify areas of local and national need. In the second term, our members will use the skills learned in term one and, while identifying the problems in the area, ensure they help to make these ‘problems’ disappear!

All members have completed the first workshop and are really enthused in the project. It is fantastic to see members of the community, from such a young age, seeing potential for improvement and becoming excited in a worthwhile project, which will not only benefit themselves, but generations to come. The reduction of litter and improving the facilities available to young people are only some of the amazing ideas that the groups have come up with since the beginning of the project last month. We cannot wait to see what they come with and of course, the end result of their hard work.
If you are in secondary school and would like to get involved and make a difference, drop into the centre or email Lauren at lauren@citywise.ie.
